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In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up the Gno development environment locally, so you can get up and running writing Gno code. You will download and install all the necessary tooling, and validate that it is correctly configured to run on your machine.


  • Git
  • make (for running Makefiles)
  • Go 1.22+
  • Go Environment Setup:
    • Make sure $GOPATH is well-defined, and $GOPATH/bin is added to your $PATH variable.
    • To do this, you can add the following line to your .bashrc, .zshrc or other config file:
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH

1. Cloning the repository

To get started with a local development environment, you must clone the GitHub repository somewhere on disk:

git clone

2. Installing the required tools

There are three tools that should be used for getting started with Gno development:

To install all three tools, simply run the following in the root of the repo:

make install

3. Verifying installation


gno provides ample functionality to the user, among which is running, transpiling, testing and building .gno files. Read more about gnokey here.

To verify the gno binary is installed system-wide, you can run:

gno --help

You should get the help output from the command:

gno help

Alternatively, if you don't want to have the binary callable system-wide, you can run the binary directly:

cd gnovm
go run ./cmd/gno --help


gnodev is the go-to Gno development helper tool - it comes with a built in node, a gnoweb server to display the state of your smart contracts (realms), and a watcher system to actively track changes in your code. Read more about gnodev here.

To verify that the gnodev binary is installed system-wide, you can run:


You should get the following output: gnodev


gnokey is the keypair management CLI tool. It allows you to create keypairs, sign transactions, and broadcast them to chains. Read more about gnokey here.

To verify that the gnokey binary is installed system-wide, you can run:

gnokey --help

You should get the help output from the command:

gnokey help


That's it 🎉

You have successfully built out and installed the necessary tools for Gno development!

In further documents, you will gain a better understanding of how they are used to make Gno work.