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Querying a network


  • gnokey installed. Reference the Local Setup guide for steps

Overview and gnokey support ABCI queries. Using ABCI queries, you can query the state of a network without spending any gas. All queries need to be pointed towards a specific remote address from which the state will be retrieved.

To send ABCI queries, you can use the gnokey query subcommand, and provide it with the appropriate query. The query subcommand allows us to send different types of queries to a network.

Below is a list of queries a user can make with gnokey:

  • auth/accounts/{ADDRESS} - returns information about an account
  • bank/balances/{ADDRESS} - returns balances of an account
  • vm/qfuncs - returns the exported functions for a given pkgpath
  • vm/qfile - returns package contents for a given pkgpath
  • vm/qeval - evaluates an expression in read-only mode on and returns the results
  • vm/qrender - shorthand for evaluating vm/qeval Render("") for a given pkgpath

Let's see how we can use them.


We can obtain information about a specific address using this subquery. To call it, we can run the following command:

gnokey query auth/accounts/g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5 -remote

With this, we are asking the Portal Loop network to deliver information about the specified address. If everything went correctly, we should get output similar to the following:

height: 0
data: {
"BaseAccount": {
"address": "g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5",
"coins": "227984898927ugnot",
"public_key": {
"@type": "/tm.PubKeySecp256k1",
"value": "A+FhNtsXHjLfSJk1lB8FbiL4mGPjc50Kt81J7EKDnJ2y"
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "12"

The return data will contain the following fields:

  • height - the height at which the query was executed. This is currently not supported and is 0 by default.
  • data - contains the result of the query.

The data field returns a BaseAccount, which is the main struct used in TM2 to hold account data. It contains the following information:

  • address - the address of the account
  • coins - the list of coins the account owns
  • public_key - the TM2 public key of the account, from which the address is derived
  • account_number - a unique identifier for the account on the chain
  • sequence - a nonce, used for protection against replay attacks


With this query, we can fetch coin balances of a specific account. To call it, we can run the following command:

gnokey query bank/balances/g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5 -remote

If everything went correctly, we should get an output similar to the following:

height: 0
data: "227984898927ugnot"

The data field will contain the coins the address owns.


Using the vm/qfuncs query, we can fetch exported functions from a specific package path. To specify the path we want to query, we can use the -data flag:

gnokey query vm/qfuncs --data "" -remote

The output is a string containing all exported functions for the wugnot realm:

height: 0
data: [
"FuncName": "Deposit",
"Params": null,
"Results": null
"FuncName": "Withdraw",
"Params": [
"Name": "amount",
"Type": "uint64",
"Value": ""
"Results": null
// other functions


With the vm/qfile query, we can fetch files and their content found on a specific package path. To specify the path we want to query, we can use the -data flag:

gnokey query vm/qfile -data "" -remote

If the -data field contains only the package path, the output is a list of all files found within the wugnot realm:

height: 0
data: gno.mod

If the -data field also specifies a file name after the path, the source code of the file will be retrieved:

gnokey query vm/qfile -data "" -remote


height: 0
data: package wugnot

import (

pusers ""

var (
banker *grc20.Banker = grc20.NewBanker("wrapped GNOT", "wugnot", 0)
Token = banker.Token()

const (
ugnotMinDeposit uint64 = 1000
wugnotMinDeposit uint64 = 1


vm/qeval allows us to evaluate a call to an exported function without using gas, in read-only mode. For example:

gnokey query vm/qeval -remote -data "\"g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5\")" 

This command will return the wugnot balance of the above address without using gas. Properly escaping quotation marks for string arguments is currently required.

Currently, vm/qeval only supports primitive types in expressions.


vm/qrender is an alias for executing vm/qeval on the Render("") function. We can use it like this:

gnokey query vm/qrender --data "" -remote

Running this command will display the current Render() output of the WUGNOT realm, which is also displayed by default on the realm's page:

height: 0
data: # wrapped GNOT ($wugnot)

* **Decimals**: 0
* **Total supply**: 5012404
* **Known accounts**: 2
Specifying a path to Render()

To call the vm/qrender query with a specific path, use the <pkgpath>:<renderpath> syntax. For example, the wugnot realm provides a way to display the balance of a specific address in its Render() function. We can fetch the balance of an account by providing the following custom pattern to the wugnot realm:

gnokey query vm/qrender --data "" -remote 

To see how this was achieved, check out wugnot's Render() function.


That's it! 🎉

In this tutorial, you've learned to use gnokey to query a network.