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Making state-changing calls (transactions)


  • gnokey installed. Reference the Local Setup guide for steps


In Gno, there are four types of messages that can change on-chain state:

  • AddPackage - adds new code to the chain
  • Call - calls a specific path and function on the chain
  • Send - sends coins from one address to another
  • Run - executes a Gno script against on-chain code

A transaction contains two main things:

  • A base configuration where variables such as gas-fee, gas-wanted, and others are defined
  • A list of messages to execute on the chain

Currently, gnokey supports single-message transactions, while multiple-message transactions can be created in Go programs, supported by the gnoclient package.

We will need some testnet coins (GNOTs) for each state-changing call. Visit the Faucet Hub to get GNOTs for the Gno testnets that are currently live.

Let's delve deeper into each of these message types.


In case you want to upload new code to the chain, you can use the AddPackage message type. You can send an AddPackage transaction with gnokey using the following command:

gnokey maketx addpkg

To understand how to use this subcommand better, let's write a simple "Hello world" pure package. First, let's create a folder which will store our example code.

└── example/

Then, let's create a hello_world.gno file under the p/ folder:

cd example
mkdir p/ && cd p
touch hello_world.gno

Now, we should have the following folder structure:

└── example/
│ └── p/
│ └── hello_world.gno

In the hello_world.gno file, add the following code:

package hello_world

func Hello() string {
return "Hello, world!"

We are now ready to upload this package to the chain. To do this, we must set the correct flags for the addpkg subcommand.

The addpkg subcommmand uses the following flags and arguments:

  • -pkgpath - on-chain path where your code will be uploaded to
  • -pkgdir - local path where your is located
  • -broadcast - enables broadcasting the transaction to the chain
  • -send - a deposit amount of GNOT to send along with the transaction
  • -gas-wanted - the upper limit for units of gas for the execution of the transaction
  • -gas-fee - amount of GNOTs to pay per gas unit
  • -chain-id - id of the chain that we are sending the transaction to
  • -remote - specifies the remote node RPC listener address

The -pkgpath and -pkgdir flags are unique to the addpkg subcommand, while -broadcast,-send, -gas-wanted, -gas-fee, -chain-id, and -remote are used for setting the base transaction configuration. These flags will be repeated throughout the tutorial.

Next, let's configure the addpkg subcommand to publish this package to the Portal Loop testnet. Assuming we are in the example/p/ folder, the command will look like this:

gnokey maketx addpkg \                                                                                                                                                                                          
-pkgpath "<your_namespace>/hello_world" \
-pkgdir "." \
-send "" \
-gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
-gas-wanted 8000000 \
-broadcast \
-chainid portal-loop \
-remote ""

Once we have added a desired namespace to upload the package to, we can specify a keypair name to use to execute the transaction:

gnokey maketx addpkg \                                                                                                                                                                                          
-pkgpath "" \
-pkgdir "." \
-send "" \
-gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
-gas-wanted 200000 \
-broadcast \
-chainid portal-loop \
-remote ""

If the transaction was successful, you will get output from gnokey that is similar to the following:

GAS WANTED: 200000
GAS USED: 117564
HEIGHT: 3990
TX HASH: Ni8Oq5dP0leoT/IRkKUKT18iTv8KLL3bH8OFZiV79kM=

Let's analyze the output, which is standard for any gnokey transaction:

  • GAS WANTED: 200000 - the original amount of gas specified for the transaction
  • GAS USED: 117564 - the gas used to execute the transaction
  • HEIGHT: 3990 - the block number at which the transaction was executed at
  • EVENTS: [] - Gno events emitted by the transaction, in this case, none
  • TX HASH: Ni8Oq5dP0leoT/IRkKUKT18iTv8KLL3bH8OFZiV79kM= - the hash of the transaction

Congratulations! You have just uploaded a pure package to the Portal Loop network. If you wish to deploy to a different network, find the list of all network configurations in the Network Configuration section.


The Call message type is used to call any exported realm function. You can send a Call transaction with gnokey using the following command:

gnokey maketx call
Call uses gas

Using Call to call an exported function will use up gas, even if the function does not modify on-chain state. If you are calling such a function, you can use the query functionality for a read-only call which does not use gas.

For this example, we will call the wugnot realm, which wraps GNOTs to a GRC20-compatible token called wugnot. We can find this realm deployed on the Portal Loop testnet, under the path.

We will wrap 1000ugnot into the equivalent in wugnot. To do this, we can call the Deposit() function found in the wugnot realm. As previously, we will configure the maketx call subcommand:

gnokey maketx call \
-pkgpath "" \
-func "Deposit" \
-send "1000ugnot" \
-gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
-gas-wanted 2000000 \
-broadcast \
-chainid portal-loop \
-remote "" \

In this command, we have specified three main things:

  • The path where the realm lives on-chain with the -pkgpath flag
  • The function that we want to call on the realm with the -func flag
  • The amount of ugnot we want to send to be wrapped, using the -send flag

Apart from this, we have also specified the Portal Loop chain ID, portal-loop, as well as the Portal Loop remote address,

After running the command, we can expect an output similar to the following:

GAS WANTED: 2000000
GAS USED: 489528
HEIGHT: 24142
EVENTS: [{"type":"Transfer","attrs":[{"key":"from","value":""},{"key":"to","value":"g125em6arxsnj49vx35f0n0z34putv5ty3376fg5"},{"key":"value","value":"1000"}],"pkg_path":"","func":"Mint"}]
TX HASH: Ni8Oq5dP0leoT/IRkKUKT18iTv8KLL3bH8OFZiV79kM=

In this case, we can see that the Deposit() function emitted an event that tells us more about what happened during the transaction.

After broadcasting the transaction, we can verify that we have the amount of wugnot we expect. We can call the BalanceOf() function in the same realm:

gnokey maketx call \
-pkgpath "" \
-func "BalanceOf" \
-args "<your_address>" \
-gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
-gas-wanted 2000000 \
-broadcast \
-chainid portal-loop \
-remote "" \

If everything was successful, we should get something similar to the following output:

(1000 uint64)

GAS WANTED: 2000000
GAS USED: 396457
HEIGHT: 64839
TX HASH: gQP9fJYrZMTK3GgRiio3/V35smzg/jJ62q7t4TLpdV4=

At the top, you will see the output of the transaction, specifying the value and type of the return argument.

In this case, we used maketx call to call a read-only function, which simply checks the wugnot balance of a specific address. This is discouraged, as maketx call actually uses gas. To call a read-only function without spending gas, check out the vm/qeval query in the Querying a network section.


We can use the Send message type to access the TM2 Banker directly and transfer coins from one Gno address to another.

Coins, such as GNOTs, are always formatted in the following way:


For this example, let's transfer some GNOTs. Just like before, we can configure our maketx send subcommand:

gnokey maketx send \
-to g1jg8mtutu9khhfwc4nxmuhcpftf0pajdhfvsqf5 \
-send 100ugnot \
-gas-fee 10000000ugnot \
-gas-wanted 2000000 \
-broadcast \
-chainid portal-loop \
-remote "" \

Here, we have set the -to & -send flags to match the recipient, in this case the publicly-known test1 address, and 100ugnot for the coins we want to send, respectively.

To check the balance of a specific address, check out the bank/balances query in the Querying a network section.


With the Run message, you can write a snippet of Gno code and run it against code on the chain. For this example, we will use the Userbook realm, which simply allows you to register the fact that you have interacted with it. It contains a simple SignUp() function, which we will call with Run.

To understand how to use the Run message better, let's write a simple script.gno file. First, create a folder which will store our script.

└── example/

Then, let's create a script.gno file:

cd example
touch script.gno

Now, we should have the following folder structure:

└── example/
│ └── script.gno

In the script.gno file, first define the package to be main. Then we can import the Userbook realm and define a main() function with no return values which will be automatically detected and run. In it, we can call the SignUp() function.

package main

import ""

func main() {

Now we will be able to provide this to the maketx run subcommand:

gnokey maketx run \
-gas-fee 1000000ugnot \
-gas-wanted 20000000 \
-broadcast \
-chainid portal-loop \
-remote "" \
mykey ./script.gno

After running this command, the chain will execute the script and apply any state changes. Additionally, by using println, which is only available in the Run & testing context, we will be able to see the return value of the function called.

The power of Run

Specifically, the above example could have been replaced with a simple maketx call call. The full potential of run comes out in three specific cases:

  1. Calling realm functions multiple times in a loop
  2. Calling functions with non-primitive input arguments
  3. Calling methods on exported variables

Let's look at each of these cases in detail. To demonstrate, we'll make a call to the following example realm:

package foo

import ""

var (
MainFoo *Foo
foos []*Foo

type Foo struct {
bar string
baz int

func init() {
MainFoo = &Foo{bar: "mainBar", baz: 0}

func (f *Foo) String() string {
return ufmt.Sprintf("Foo - (bar: %s) - (baz: %d)\n\n",, f.baz)

func NewFoo(bar string, baz int) *Foo {
return &Foo{bar: bar, baz: baz}

func AddFoos(multipleFoos []*Foo) {
foos = append(foos, multipleFoos...)

func Render(_ string) string {
var output string

for _, f := range foos {
output += f.String()

return output

This realm is deployed to on the Portal Loop testnet.

  1. Calling realm functions multiple times in a loop:
package main

import (

func main() {
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
  1. Calling functions with non-primitive input arguments:

Currently, Call only supports primitives for arguments. With Run, these limitations are removed; we can execute a function that takes in a struct, array, or even an array of structs.

We are unable to call AddFoos() with the Call message type, while with Run, we can:

package main

import (


func main() {
var multipleFoos []*foo.Foo

for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
newFoo := foo.NewFoo(

multipleFoos = append(multipleFoos, newFoo)


  1. Calling methods on exported variables:
package main

import ""

func main() {

Finally, we can call methods that are on top-level objects in case they exist, which is not currently possible with the Call message.


That's it! 🎉

In this tutorial, you've learned to use gnokey for sending multiple types of state-changing calls to a chain.